Testata Company ZOOM


Bimotor means engine integration

For over 40 years, we have been dedicated to the distribution and customization of diesel engines for industrial and marine applications: we are not just diesel engines distributors, but we deal with their 360° integration on any kind of non-vehicular application. With our headquarters in the province of Turin, totally dedicated to industrial applications, a site in Marghera, our marine department hub, and two branches in Lyon and Valencia, we preside over all our territories, offering maximum support to our customers.

Bimotor team consists of 100 people, distributed in our 4 European sites. We are a team of engines addicts.

BIMOTOR SPA - Ciriè Headquarters

Box Cirie

BIMOTOR SPA - Marghera Headquarters

Box Marghera

BIMOTOR FRANCE - Brignais, France

Box Brignais

BIMOTOR IBÉRICA SL - Valencia, España

Box Valencia